Marco Poletto – Programme Director
After graduating with honours from Turin Polytechnic in Italy, Marco moved to London to study at the Architectural Association. He worked in London as environmental designer before co-founding the ecoLogicStudio in 2006. Marco has lectured and taught internationally and is Unit Master at the Architectural Association in London since 2007 and Visiting Lecturer at the IAAC, Barcelona. After writing many essays and articles he is co-authoring his first book edited by Routledge, titled “Systemic Architecture: operating manual for the self-organising city”.
Claudia Pasquero - Programme Director
Graduated from Turin Polytechnic in 2000, and consequently completed the AA EE Master Programme, Claudia is currently director of ecoLogicStudio, unit Master at the Architectural Association in London, visiting tutor at the IAAC in Barcelona and visting lecturer at Cornell University in Ithaca NY. She has been exhibiting at the most important architectural Biennale like Venice and London. Claudia has been teaching and lecturing internationally, as well as regularly publishing on the subject of systemic architecture. Her new book co-authored with Marco Poletto: Systemic Architecture, Operating Manual for the self organizing city will be published by Routledge in April 2012
Simona Galateo – Scientific Comitee
Senior curator of contemporary architecture at Viapiranesi Srl, Simona graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. She holds a scholarship of specialization abroad at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Brighton, and received his Master's degree in "Strategic planning and integrated development" at the Politecnico of Milan. Since 2007 she is visiting lecturer in History of Contemporary Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture in Piacenza and in the same year she started co-curating the SpazioFMGperl'architettura in Milan with professor Luca Molinari. In 2010 she was co-curator of "Italy 2050" exhibition "AILATI: Riflessi dal Futuro", at the Italian Pavilion at the XII Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Venice Biennale. She recently lectured at the GreenSocialFestival with a speech titled "green city / urban agriculture".
Luca Molinari – Scientific Comitee
Architect, critic and associate professor of Contemporary Architecture at SUN (Seconda Università degli Studi, Naples). He co-operates and writes for Italian and international magazines. In 2006 he’s been acknowledged Ernesto Nathan Rogers Award by the X Venice Architecture Biennale. Between 2001 and 2004 he has been scientific director of Triennale di Milano architecture and town planning sections and a member of Triennale scientific board. In the last years Luca Molinari has been devoting to art direction and curatorship of architecture and contemporary art events or projects. Since 2007 he is the art director and main curator of Milan architecture gallery, Spaziofmgperl’architettura. In 2009, together with architect Anna Barbara, he established Viapiranesi srl, multidisciplinary studio for advanced research, project development and consulting within contemporary architecture and design. In 2010 he’s been appointed curator of the Italian Pavilion at XII International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.
Andrea Bugli – Cluster Tutor
Andrea graduated in Building Engineering/Architecture from University of Bologna in 2009 with a thesis combining computational design and environmental analysis. He joined ecoLogicStudio in 2010 recently working on Simrishamn Regional protogarden, the H.O.R.T.U.S. installation and the Frac pavillion. Andrea has been tutor at SmartGeometry 2011 and currently runs with ecoLogicStudio a series of Algorithmic Design Workshops in London.
Immanuel Koh – Cluster Tutor
Immanuel Koh is an independent computational designer based in London. His code-based works investigate the real-time visualization of data (physical & virtual) and their implications on generative designs/geometries in architecture. He graduated from the AA Design Research Lab (AA_DRL) in 2010 and has since been tutor at various AA Visiting Schools. He has taught, exhibited and published internationally. Immanuel currently teaches scripting and computer-vision based courses at AA Media Studies, as well as, practice architecture and interactive systems at Zaha Hadid Architects (London).
Lucy Bullivant – Cluster Tutor
Lucy Bullivant is an architectural curator, critic and author. She was elected for an Honorary Fellowship of RIBA in 2010. A cultural historian with a Master's degree from the Royal College of Art, she began her twenty three year career working as an art curator and director of open art exhibitions. In the early 1990s she was Heinz Curator of Architectural Programmes at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. Lucy has worked internationally with leading museums, galleries, cultural institutions, publishers and corporate bodies.
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